Thursday, May 12, 2011

Makin' Banana Pancakes

Every time I make these pancakes, I think of the Jack Johnson song " Makin' Banana Pancakes" which is unfortunate because I really don't like that song.... I'll let you be the judge.


Banana Sesame Pancakes
  • 1 Banana
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened soymilk
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
mash banana in bowl and add soymilk and sugar. whisk until fluffly and bubbly. Heat griddle to medium heat. Add flour to banana mixture. Pour onto lightly greased griddle, sprinkle sunflower seeds on top.

Makes about 2 large or 3 small pancakes. 1 large pancake is about 230 calories.

no need to add syrup or butter on top -- the pancake is sweet enough and the sesame seeds add just the right amount of fat and salt. If you absolutely must have something drizzled on the top, honey or agave syrup taste delicious!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blueberry Iced Tea

My hubby likes to wait til the very last minute to turn our AC on, so today I needed something yummy to drink to cool me down. Over the winter I discovered celestial seasonings true blueberry tea. I personally like fruity teas, so when I tried this tea, I was in heaven. It tasted like straight juice.

Today I brewed it over ice and added some honey (yes, I know honey isn't vegan). I also like to have it with agave nectar which tastes delicious. agave nectar is becoming more widely available and I know Kroger sells a couple varieties. Agave nectar is made from the agave plant. It tastes and looks a lot like honey, but has it's own unique flavor which I've quickly grown fond of.

Lunch today was grilled zucchini with a soy/mustard sauce and pitas with red pepper hummus.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First Post!

Hello world!

The title of the blog really does mean what it says. Eating vegan isn't nearly as hard as I thought it was. I realize that is a hard sell, but I LOVE food, and veganism wasn't something I even considered until one day, I just did it and realized vegetables can actually taste good when they aren't covered in butter and cheese.

on the flip side, I can barely go a day without eating some form of dairy product, hence the sarcasm behind "vegan is easy" and the fact that I still enjoy a normal, animal filled dinner with my husband every night. I only eat vegan for breakfast and lunch.

This blog is more for my personal use, to log recipes, jot down thoughts, and the get the most enjoyment out of eating a plant-based diet, but you are welcome to come along for the ride!