Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How does your garden grow

Being home this spring has been such a wonderful gift. I literally wake up every morning, go out and look over my garden while the dogs do their thing, and pick out every single tiny weed I see ( did I mention I hate weeds?)

I haven't even picked any veggies from my garden yet and already it's been so gratifying. Actually that's a lie... I picked a few lettuce leaves for a measly salad last night, and harvested some stevia leaves to dry and use. (Blog post about that later)

 I found these raised beds at Sam's Club and they literally just snap together. easy peasy. What's been so rewarding through all of this is that I've done almost all of the work to install it. hubby may have helped a little.

and Jasmine provided comical relief. 

If you're curious about what was planted: 
heirloom tomatoes from seed: "bonny best" and "riesentraube"
"marketmore" cucumber from seed
onion from sets
butter lettuce
herbs: italian oregano, basil, thyme, sage, cilantro

we are most certainly going to be eating some homemade salsa come August!

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